Mangrove Fishing Charters

What We Catch | January - December

Mangrove snapper fishing is the most hands-on fishing out there. Mangrove usually inhabit nearby reefs and wrecks in almost any water depth. Most of the time, mangrove snappers are feisty—and they frequently strike live bait with untampered aggression. The most effective way to catch mangrove is to chum off the many platforms where they tend to congregate. To have a successful haul, you want to lure them away from whatever structure they’re lingering near and get them in a feeding mood. Chumming and mangrove snapper fishing in an area away from the structure is best because these fish become more competitive as soon as they start feeding. This is the perfect time for racking up some bites.

Most of the time, while aboard one of mangrove charters, you will be able to sight-fish the mangroves and pick out which one you want! Mangrove snappers are prized for its deliciously light and flaky flesh. Mangroves are fun to fight—and the limit is 10 per person—so count on an action-packed day if you go mangrovin’ on one of Down the Bayou’s mangrove charters.

mangrove snapper

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